Saturday, June 25, 2011
When making books for students, it's not cheap! Story Jumper books are created in 7 steps and only $24.95. This is helpful for schools, like my own, that do not have much of a budget.

1 comment:

  1. Making books for students can be as cheap is you want to make it. You just have to decide what quality you want and what quality is necessary for the project. At the bottom of the quality scale is stapling the pages together and hoping it will last as long as you need it to. The next step up is using a binding machine -- the ones that use the plastic spirals to hold the pages together. I think storyjumper has great quality, but is that quality necessary? Maybe once in a while.

    I'm not sure whether you think $25 is too much or not, but for some parents who can't even feed their kids, it's too much.

    Another choice -- When my kids were younger, occasionally they would use blank books to create stories in. Don't know how much they cost now, but I think they were about $5 at the time (hardcover). Sometimes they would write and draw directly into the book. That made correcting difficult. Most of the time they typed into a Word document, and they glued the printed copy into the book. Rubber cement works well for that, but be careful of glue sniffers!
